Friday, March 14, 2014

The Dead Walk... on!


Breaking Fate Publishing's zombie-themed horror anthology, The Dead Walk--featuring my short story, I Walk, Therefore I Am--is available on

Here is the table of contents:

The Price of My Services by Dylan Otto Krider Zero Hour by Derek Muk Prisoners of Forever by Katie Jones I Walk, Therefore I Am by Ryan Neil Falcone And the Weeds Shook with Laughter by John M. Edwards The Meat Lover’s Special by Miracle Austin The Zombie Appeal by D. E. Cowen Black Friday by Willy Adkins Short-term recollections of a life… by Sergio Palumbo Survival by Jason R. Davis


Monday, March 10, 2014

Lots of "Walking" -- Pair of Updates

Update #1:

The Dead WalkAfter a lengthy delay, I look forward to the March 11th publication of The Dead Walk, a zombie-themed anthology brought to us by Breaking Fate Publishing.

Included in this collection is my short story, I Think, Therefore I Am -- a story that is gratifying to see in print.

I'll post publication details when this collection becomes commercially available soon.

Update #2:

I'm pleased to announce that my vampire-themed short story, Meat, has been accepted to Horrified Press's upcoming horror anthology, Night Walkers.

Night Walkers is scheduled for release around the Halloween 2014 timeframe, so look for more details as we get closer to publication.