Happy post-Halloween!
I'm pleased to announce that my short story, Ride Like the Wind, has been published by Stupefying Stories!
Not only is this one of my most noteworthy publication credits to date, it is also personally gratifying because the publisher of Stupefying Stories is none other than world renowned author [and fellow Minnesotan], Bruce Bethe -- who happens to be one of my favorite authors!
Thank you to Mr. Bethke for his consideration of my story--very exciting to have my work be part of such a tremendously diverse publication, with such varied and provocative stories.
I've always gotten a little choked up every time I read this piece, but I've never known whether this was attributable to me simply being too close to the material or whether the writing was actually emotionally evocative.
I invite everyone to read the story via the link provided above, and to leave comments / feedback on the Stupefying Stories website letting me know what you think.

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